Offerings for Graduates

East Coast Mindfulness is happy to offer ongoing opportunities for students to connect with a community of mindfulness practitioners and teachers. Along with our free, weekly Worldwide Online Sit and our online retreats, we provide specialized programs for MBSR and MBCT graduates who wish to continue their learning and development in mindfulness.

Are you a graduate of an in-person or online live (not recorded) MBSR or MBCT 8-week program? We would love to have you join us for our ongoing offerings to graduates. If you wish to be included in our graduates email list, please let us know by completing the form below. We’d love to hear when and where you took your course, and who taught the course. When you join, you’ll hear from us about programs specifically designed for MBSR/MBCT graduates (including the days and times for the upcoming Retreat Classes we offer as part of ongoing 8-week courses) and receive our community updates as well.

Each time we teach an MBSR online program, we offer the 7.5 hour Retreat Class between Week 6 and Week 7. This is an integral part of the standard MBSR curriculum. Many MBSR students find this to be a powerful day of practice, discovery and development together. Graduates of past MBSR and MBCT 8-week programs are always welcome to join the Retreat Class, to support the current students and to strengthen their own practice over time. East Coast Mindfulness offers this Retreat Class to graduates 3-4 times each year. Once you join our graduates list, you’ll hear from us about these free, ongoing days for practicing, together.

Voice & Presence:
For Graduates of the 8-Week MBSR Course
Four Tuesdays beginning June 4, 2024 with Rebecca Eldridge
Two things are rare when we humans communicate:

1. being offered time and space to express ourselves, and
2. listening, and being listened to, without agenda

Join Rebecca Eldridge for a 4-week workshop during which we will offer ourselves and each other these 2 rare gifts.

We will cultivate in-the-moment communication, fueled by reflection, which is often the most alive, fresh speech we can experience, for both speaker and listener. It shakes us out of stale, habituated ways of communicating. We get to see and hear one another. We get to be seen and heard by one another. Communicating in this way can be both frightening and rewarding.

NOTE: this workshop is for graduates of an 8-week mindfulness-based program conducted live, in person or online.
The Mindfulness Grad Online Community
The second Sunday of each month, starting September 8, 2024, with Rebecca Eldridge
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The Mindfulness Grad Online Community (MGOC) gathers monthly under the guidance of MBSR Teacher and Teacher Trainer Rebecca Eldridge, for continued learning, practice, and community.

The MGOC is open to graduates of any organization's 8-week Mindfulness-Based course (such as MBSR, MBCT, MSC, and so on) that was held live either in person or online. Sessions are held on the second Sunday of each month (beginning September 8, 2024). Join as few or as many monthly sessions as you'd like.

During each session, we will explore various mindfulness topics through teachings, practice, silent reflection, and speaking & listening.

As members of the MGOC, we all will—

  • Participate. Your presence and participation matters. Our live interaction and in-the-moment bonding will provide the buoyancy for good learning, good community, and good care-taking of ourselves and each other. Each session will also be video-recorded and shared with everyone who registers.
  • Speak & listen. We will show up ready to truly wonder; to speak from direct experience about what we know, as well as what we don't know or aren't sure of—and to listen deeply as others do the same.
  • Practice between sessions. We will each maintain a personal practice that fits our life, and consider how formal and informal practices of mindfulness are informing our life.
  • Explore between sessions. We will explore various topics both during and between sessions—through our day-to-day experiences, through contemplation and practice, reading and studying, and more.
Sitting for Life:
For 8-week Mindfulness Graduates
Four Tuesdays beginning October 15, 2024 with Margaret Fletcher
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To be awake in life means engaging with intention in order to develop attention and attitude. To put this into practice calls for us to slow down, open, and observe ourselves and life happening. Sitting meditation is a time-honored means of practice. In sitting regularly, we can learn to relax, give space to and receive experience. With growing courage, we can learn to be vulnerable, which helps us to recognize what is true. If we can open to modes of dissonance, destabilizing, and dismantling, we can encourage “the deep to come to the surface.” Over and over we can be re-configured and re-born into the moments of this life, as we sit. We can learn to move with the knowing, intelligence and wisdom available as life itself unfolds and unfolds.

In this workshop we will focus on the practice, challenges and benefits of sitting meditation, all in service to waking up. Each week will include guided sitting practice, discussion and dialogue around intentions and experiences in a life of wakefulness. Between classes, assignments for formal sitting practice and inquiry in daily life will provide inspiration for our collective learning.

What technology you will need:

  • High-speed internet connection
  • Laptop or desktop with speaker, microphone, and video capability: no phones, iPads or other tablets, please

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© 2024 East Coast Mindfulness

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